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Journal Policy

IJBTS International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the readers, institutions, and corporations. Users are allowed to read, copy, download, print, search to the full texts of articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher and the author.

IJBTS international Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences is a committee journal. All research articles in this journal undergo strenuous peer review, based on initial editor screening by at least two anonymous referees.

All papers considered reasonable for this journal are forwarded to refereed for blind reviewed. The review process usually takes 3-4 weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to non substantive, stylistic editing.

The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. The copies should be corrected and returned to the Editor within fitteen days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.

Submission of a paper to this journal implies that the manuscript has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journal and that the authors(s) have obtain reasonable permission to use data obtained for and contained in the manuscript. Previous presentation at professional meetings should be mentioned in a footnote.

All manuscripts are subject to review by two or more independent, anonymous referees chosen by the Editor(s). If revision is necessary, the author is asked to resubmit the dated, revised manuscript incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the referees within three months. Revisions not received within one months from the date of notice must be resubmitted as a new manuscript with reference to the previous submission.

All revisions must be accompanied with a letter detailing the changes made to the original document , changes should also be indicated directly on the manuscript. Revisions will be re-reviewed at the discretion of the editor(s). the author(s) of an accepted manuscript will be notified and receive paper for proofreading prior to publiaction.

Responsibility for accuracy in the final copy lies with the author(s). The Managing Editor reserve the right to return a manuscript to the corresponding author without peer review if the manuscript does not comply with the Journal for Authors.
All submissions are subject to final approval and acceptance for publication by the Founder Chairmam, IJBTS journal.

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